MONTH TO MY LITTLE SWEETIE! Can't believe you are 19, Sierra...you are
just growing up oh so fast. Go eat some Smith's chocolate ice cream for
the both of us, okay? And have the best month ever! I love you!
this week we had Zone Training. It was so great! We learned a lot about
how we have been preventing our investigators from progressing and
about how we can learn to help them progress, such as by helping them
find the answers to their own questions, giving them assignments, asking
questions that will help them think, etc. It's really important that we
as missionaries learn to not get in the way when the spirit is trying
to teach the investigator something, but that we are receptive conduits
for the spirit. After training, we all got to go pick up our mail! I got
lots of restoration and plan of salvation pamphlets and mormon.org cards to pass out...so excited to share these babies with the world!
week we taught a college student named John the Plan of Salvation-- at
the end when he said the closing prayer, he thanked Heavenly Father that
many things had been cleared up for him. That made me smile. We also
got to visit a lot of less-actives this week. Some excited about coming
back to church and some, notttt so much. It's so important, especially
in this day, to exercise our agency for good so that we can learn to
distinguish between good and evil. We have to constantly be nourishing
our testimony so that we are never so vulnerable that the adversary has
power over us.
week I was talking with a recent convert's young teenage friend that he
brought to the church. He told me about his 6 month old daughter and
about how he believes in aliens (heaven help that little girl). But
yeah-- it was just a great reminder that EVERYONE needs Christ in their
GENERAL CONFERENCE was just as beautiful as ever, eh? So how about
Uchtdorf's talk on gratitude??-- it's amazing how God even answers
unsaid prayers. I love the reminder to be grateful in all things, even
when our circumstances are difficult. A grateful heart eliminates
bitterness and it shows that we trust the Lord and know that He will
take care of us. How blessed we are to have a Prophet and inspired
leaders on the earth today! The Lord truly loves each one of us so
dearly. And special shoutout/thanks to the Browns for feeding the
missionaries all weekend! Bless their hearts!
we have three progressing investigators! Two of which, Jonathan and
Brandon, have agreed to baptism at the end of this month and one, Amina,
that we believe will accept baptism soon! Jonathan recently found God
and knows that They are important and significant in our lives. Brandon
was at a point of loss of direction and when the missionaries found him,
it seemed to be exactly what he was looking for. Amina is the sweetest
of all girls and has never had a religious background, but would love to
have some sort of foundation to build upon. They all came to
conference, too! What great souls they are!
Me: Did you know if you say gullible really slowly, it sounds like green beans?
Sister B: gggggguuuuuuuuuullllllllllliiiiiiiibbbbbbbbllllleeeeeeeeeee.....no it doesn't?
Me: Oh my gosh.... did you know the ceiling says gullible on it?
Sister B: ........(looks up)......I thought I saw it there one time.
For those who didn't get to watch conference or who wish to be inspired and feel God's love, ----> https://www.lds.org/general-conference/watch?lang=eng&cid=HPTU040114644
Teach someone something you learned from conference this week! Love y'all!
Sister Courtney Howle